Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Back to School

School is back. Need I say more? I'm one of those parents that actually likes to have my kiddos home for the summer. I like sleeping in and spending days at the pool. Now it's back to routine, and this year we're adding lots of football and basketball games. Yes, my oldest daughter is a Middle School Cheerleader. She's loving it. And my son will also be at the games, playing the trumpet in the Advanced Band. I'm a blessed mama. I'm a proud mama. And I love my babies all equally.

Getting ready to cheer. The girls all wore football jerseys this time.

B watching the girls.

I think that jersey was swallowing her whole.

Pump it up!

 With the two older ones at school, I still have two little ones at home. Learning and growing in their home environment. Everyday is school to them. They are changing so fast.

B reading her little sissy a book. 

Watch out! She's on the move!

Look who I found in the swing. She was laid back, watching Chica.

We were going to do some Back to School shopping this afternoon, but Bitty Baby woke up with a stuffy nose. She is usually a cuddly baby, but today she is extra cuddly.....aka clingy. Hopefully she doesn't get the full blown version that I just got over. Colds are so hard on little ones......and their mamas. 

I hope everyone is having a great week back to school. Give your kiddos extra hugs and kisses this week. God Bless.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Mama's Helper and Another Normal Day

With two little ones consuming most of my time, I love when I have some time to get caught up on yard work. The mosquitoes are so bad at our house that I can't take Bitty Baby out for very long. B is old enough now that I can spray her down with some repellent, and she loves the outdoors. Being pregnant the past two summers in a row put be behind on some weeding, and the grass had totally overtaken my row of boarder grass along the driveway. So while Bitty Baby slept, I pulled grass. And guess who came out to help? Yep, Miss B. She was right in the middle of it. Of course I had my parents there to steer her away from the end of the driveway. They don't realize just how much help they really are to me.

Granddaddy steering her from the road with the rake. Later on she grabbed the rake and said, "I help."

Pulling grass and digging in the dirt

We found a worm. She liked it wiggling in my hand, but not in her's. 

She thought she was going to drive Grandmama and Granddaddy's truck.

Now, as far as a normal day around here. I have a silly toddler, who is always up to something. First she climbed up on the couch and slide her legs right into the seat of her jumper. I have no clue why I didn't grab my camera, but it was funny. She enjoyed bouncing around for a few minutes, until she figured out she was stuck and couldn't pull herself out. I just had to leave her for a minute, thinking "serves you right". But then I got her out. I doubt she'll be getting in there again. But her new found love is the bouncy seat. It's springy and bouncy, and it get's her attention, just like the baby. Bitty baby doesn't use it too much these days, because she pulls herself all the way to a sitting position. Kinda freaks me out. So, it's B's new toy. It's probably not going to be around much longer. Bye-bye bouncy seat. 

Today I walked out the back door, and an odd flower caught my eye. It was a Resurrection Lily. I had no clue that is what was planted there. Three years ago a friend of my parents cleaned a bunch of bulbs from her garden. I wanted to plant some flowers along the fence, so I said I would take them. I was told they were daffodils and crocuses. In those three years, I have never once seen a flower, so I gave up on them. Tah-duh! A Lily! Just one all by itself. But I think it's beautiful. They remind me of my Great-Grandparents. They always had a row of Resurrection lilies in their backyard. Hopefully I'll get some more. I think I had planted roughly five different bunches along that fence.

Hope you all have a great rest of your week. God bless.