Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Day in the Life of my Girlies

 B loves her art supplies. She probably spends 2-3 hours coloring or drawing everyday. She really wants to learn how to use scissors. I found her a pair of safety scissors in an old art case. She knows that they cut paper, but she just can't quite manipulate her fingers just right yet. I'm sure she'll get it soon. She's so smart and very persistent.

She loves coloring so much that, she colored on my china cabinet. The two older kids never colored on anything that they shouldn't have, so this was new to me. Luckily, it came of with just a little wipe of some rubbing alcohol. Whew! Saved!

The girl's toy organizer hit the dust last night. That old thing has been around for years, and finally fell apart. So, until we can get a new toy box for them, we're using a laundry basket. And the girls think that it's great! B buried herself in stuffed animals, and Busy Baby (formerly know as Bitty Baby) is trying to get in too. She's starting to hold on and walk around objects now. She keeps us hopping. There's always excitement at this house.

Three more days until B's birthday bash! I'm so excited to get together with our local friends and family. It's going to be a special day for her. 

Hope you all have a great rest of your week. Please be safe on Halloween. God Bless!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Eight Months Old

A couple months ago, I had decided that I wouldn't refer to her as Bitty Baby anymore. So even though she is still Bitty to me, she is growing strong.....on the move....pulling up.....and just cut her first tooth on Saturday. Her new nickname is still in the works. 

For some reason, I never took her seven month pictures. I could really kick myself now. But she did go to the doctor for her check-up on the day she turned seven months old. She weighed 14 pounds 1 oz (7%) and was 25 inches long (5%). She's a petite little thing, but the doctor is not concerned. We have small people on both sides of the family. She's smart, healthy, and extremely active. 

As I say every month, I love looking at all her pictures and how she's grown. I can't believe that soon she'll be a year old. 

And here's one where she would hardly hold still. Getting her to lay still on her back long enough to take her picture was quite a chore. 

On a last note......we are so excited that B will be two next week. We are throwing her a big birthday bash this weekend. Fun on the Farm is her theme. Hope to be sharing pictures with you all soon.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Adventures in Potty Training

Just to be honest, I sometimes giggle at other moms who write stuff on Facebook about their kids' potty training adventures. But I'm right there with you all. It takes a proud parent to share news like that with everyone. And I'm so proud of my toddler. Next month she'll be two. Even though she drives me nuts sometimes, she is really mastering the potty thing. She's had dry diapers the past 3 days at nap, and today she woke up to tell me she needed to poop in the potty. And surprisingly, this time, she did. Yay! We usually reward her with a small Dum-dum sucker for pooping and a sticker for pee peeing. She thinks it's a big deal. 


While I was writing this, she decided to pick up my cooled off coffee and pour it all down the front of herself, my vacuum cleaner, and the floor. Thank God it was on the hardwood and not on the carpet. Now that I've got her and her mess cleaned up, she's playing hide and seek in the hall closet. Life here is never dull!

So back to the pottying......
So moms, even though some of us might give you a chuckle or roll our eyes, when you write about your children, do it anyway. Be proud of them. Share it and praise them. Because no one else will. They deserve it. And you deserve to be proud!