Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hi Ya'll!

These days I don't have alot of time to sit and type on my blog. Our days are filled with toddler drama, and picking up after everyone in the house. My chore list is long, and it never gets completed. I think I just choose all the fun stuff off of it, and I leave all the dreaded stuff until I ultimately have to complete it. Don't we all? 

Last night the baby slept all night, and I couldn't be happier today. She's six months old now, and I hope this is a permanent thing. I woke up feeling amazing, jumped to my feet, got my shower, kids fed, errands ran, and then came back to the house. Yesterday I picked a ton of wild grapes that have overtaken our maple tree in the backyard. I'm making wild grape jelly today. So far, I have cooked them down and extracted all the juice. It's a beautiful shade of purple. Hopefully, I can get the jelly made and jarred tonight. Meanwhile, I whipped up my favorite Greek marinade for some chicken, and will be heating up the grill, as soon as hubby tells me he's close to home. Oh! I forgot. I also stewed and froze probably the last of the tomatoes from our garden. They're on their last leg and looking kinda puny. 

After tonight's jelly making, I'm hoping to draft out another pattern for an apron. My mother bought me a beautiful vintage tea apron for my birthday, and I have plans to make more. I actually have been making quite a few aprons to sell at  The Community Market in town. I'll be up there on the 28th, so come out and see me.

So look for pictures of the jelly and the aprons soon. 

God Bless!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Six Months

Our little sweetie is now 1/2 a year old. She's crawling, sitting up, and reaching up to grab the furniture. She's not yet pulled up, but it wont be long. She's also a talker. Anyone who sat close to us at church last Sunday heard her babbling away. We started her on some oatmeal last week, but it made her incredibly gassy and she woke up every hour and a half. Boy, was I exhausted. So, I've given the cereal a rest. We had our third night of green beans tonight, but she's not too fond of those either. I have a feeling she'll have a sweet tooth. 

We haven't gone to her 6 month check-up yet, but I weighed her about 2 weeks ago at a friends house. She was 13 pounds 9 ounces. Still a tiny little thing. But I'll be able to write about all her stats on her seven month post.

Here are the pictures that we've all been waiting for. I love seeing them all lined up together, and how she has changed from month to month.