Every month has gone by so fast, and now Bitty Baby is four months old. She's constantly changing, and now her personality is really coming out. She is still my cuddler, and she just smiles and laughs all the time. She really is a happy baby. She rolls on the floor and can almost sit up by herself. She still has to be propped on her hands. Keeping her on her quilt on the floor has become a chore. It wont be long before she's mobile.
Two days ago we went to her checkup. She weighed 12 pounds 9 ounces and was 24 1/4 inches long. Doctor said she was longer and slimmer than the last time, according to her chart. But to me she is not slim at all, especially if you see those chunky legs.
Wow! She's changed so much since this last picture! I can't wait to see how she looks at 12 months.
So, jealous sister kept bugging me while I was snapping some pictures so I captured a few of her too. Enjoy! Some are kinda funny.
She loves to be the center of attention. |
Look Mom! All by myself! |
Why are we doing this again? |
Don't touch me! |
I'm sorry I touched you! |
Why did I do that!? |
I absolutely love Bitty Baby's expressions. She studies everything. I have a feeling that these two will be a team. Bitty Baby looks to be the brains behind it all, and B is the dare devil. lol. I better start buying stock in hair dye. These girls will probably make me gray.
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