Toddlers........Oh Boy! How do I start this one????
I totally understand why toddlers have their own category. Instead of being a baby and then becoming a child, they are toddlers. I've gone through this stage twice before with my older two, but somehow a lot of those memories have been suppressed. I'm guessing that's God's little way of letting us moms recuperate, so we can have more kids. From what I remember (because they are now almost 11 and almost 13), they were very good kids. Didn't do many things that they weren't supposed to do, UNTIL NOW. For instance, neither one ever colored on the walls. Always stayed where they were told to stay.
Well, my 14 month old, we'll just call her "B" for privacy's sake. She is a whole different breed. Be it that I am older now, or that she is a stinker like her Daddy. Please, God, don't hold me accountable for the things he did, for I am this child's caregiver! Or the things I did as a child. I do remember being quite the stinker, myself.
These days B is chattering up a storm! She definitely has her own language, but I have no clue what she is saying. Here are a few words that I have figured out:
Nana - Banana
NeeNee - Paci
NiteNite - Blanket or Go to bed
Nenna - Jenna
Bubba or NinNin- Joel
MaMama - Grandmama
Dada - Daddy
Wowa - Flower
Gog - Dog
KackKackKack - Duck or Pig sound
Sooz - Shoes
GungGung - Sippy Cup
KitKit - Kitty Cat
She also makes a barking sound, but I have no clue how to spell it.
Some of these words sound really close to the original, but others? Well, it's taken me a bit to figure them out. Some of these have changed just over the last 2 weeks.
Her latest trend is "no". Just a flat out "No!". Which kinda irks me just a bit. But then I realize I've been telling her "no" alot lately. I had someone tell me not long ago to not teach her to say no. I have to respectfully disagree with this person. i do want her to say no, but at the appropriate times. So, with that in thought, I've been consciously been saying "yes" to her more. I'm hoping she catches on the this word as quick as she did "no". She's said "no" for a while now. Shaking her head back and forth, or "no no no no" really soft. But this is the first time she has strongly been assertive with this word.

Toddler days can be trying and tiring. But I know I can get through them. I love my children with all of my heart. Each of them have their own personalities, talents, characteristics, taste preferences, and interests. It is my job as a parent to find their strong qualities and nurture and grow those qualities to produce fine human beings. Anytime I have seen my children take to a positive interest, I have encouraged them to pursue those interests. To learn and grow.
As I was looking for the quote "Idle hands are the Devil's playground", I came across a blog post. As I read it, I teared up. All the battles and sacrifices that my husband and I have made for our children came to mind. And I knew we were doing the RIGHT thing for them. I was touched, and another feeling of love came across me for my children. I was raised right by my parents. They were not perfect, but they had God's heart and love for me. The same way that I have for my children.
Take a look at her blog post. I don't know anything about this person, and this one post was as far as I went. I may check out what else she has to say.
Have a great day everyone!
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