In addition to yesterday's post, I had a few things happen since then.
Last night, right before bed, I discovered that my 14 month old had a fever. She was quite warm. 104.1 degrees. I quickly got her out of her pajamas, got her a dose of Tylenol, and a glass of water. Within 40 minutes her fever went down to the 100's. Thank God. During the wait for her temperature to fall, she snuggled with me on the couch. and I noticed that she said a few more words.
Nose - and she pointed to her nose
Mouth - and she pointed to her mouth
I didn't even prompt her. She did it all on her own. I don't know if she was trying to tell me something, but it was cute. Maybe her nose and mouth hurt. It seems like she does this (fever) every time she cuts a tooth. Her diapers get sour, then a diaper rash, then a fever. And we haven't even started cutting the cuspids yet. Those are the worse.
I snuggled for a wile with her on the couch, then changed her to go back to bed. My eyes were starting to roll back in my head from exhaustion. I have been so sleepy during this pregnancy. While I was changing her diaper, she grabbed the box of hair rubber bands. I started to take them away from her, and she said "bow bow", aka hairbow. Maybe after 10pm, I'm able to talk toddler. Or maybe she was just trying harder to communicate with me. I like it!
So, here it was about 10:30pm. I tucked her back in bed. It was about 30 minutes later that she started crying. I had just fallen asleep, so I rolled out of bed. She had taken off her diaper and peed all over her bed. All that water I had given her earlier had apparently gone straight through her. In my attempt to stay awake, I turned on the lights, got her out of bed, stripped the sheets, and put on new ones.
She got up another time during the night. More Tylenol, more water, and more snuggling on the couch. I will say that I'm super exhausted today. Coffee isn't even touching the fatigue. B is still grouchy, whiny, and running a fever. I'm really hoping that this is a 24 hour thing, and not something that requires a trip to the doctor.

Please keep us in your prayers today. Thanks.
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