Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Adventures in Potty Training

Just to be honest, I sometimes giggle at other moms who write stuff on Facebook about their kids' potty training adventures. But I'm right there with you all. It takes a proud parent to share news like that with everyone. And I'm so proud of my toddler. Next month she'll be two. Even though she drives me nuts sometimes, she is really mastering the potty thing. She's had dry diapers the past 3 days at nap, and today she woke up to tell me she needed to poop in the potty. And surprisingly, this time, she did. Yay! We usually reward her with a small Dum-dum sucker for pooping and a sticker for pee peeing. She thinks it's a big deal. 


While I was writing this, she decided to pick up my cooled off coffee and pour it all down the front of herself, my vacuum cleaner, and the floor. Thank God it was on the hardwood and not on the carpet. Now that I've got her and her mess cleaned up, she's playing hide and seek in the hall closet. Life here is never dull!

So back to the pottying......
So moms, even though some of us might give you a chuckle or roll our eyes, when you write about your children, do it anyway. Be proud of them. Share it and praise them. Because no one else will. They deserve it. And you deserve to be proud!

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