Today was my 36 week OB appointment. I made arrangements in advance for my parents to watch my little monkey. Last week she was a handful in the waiting room. I love her, but let me tell you, I was so relaxed at my appointment today. My mother ended up going with me and my dad stayed home with the monkey. He did so good. God bless him!
The check up went great. I was supposed to be seen by a new doctor today, but she was held up in the delivery room. My doctors group has 5 OB doctors, all women. It's wonderful. You have your regular doctor, but then they have you see the other doctors too, just in case your doctor isn't on call for the birth. So far, with my other 3 babies, it all worked out that my doctor got to deliver them. This time I don't really care, but it would be kinda nice. I wouldn't want to break my trend. But today I got checked out by a nurse practitioner instead, I've liked all of them so far. I may have gained a pound, not sure though. They keep having me weigh in on different scales, so it's never the same one. Blood pressure has been good throughout the pregnancy. I measured 37 weeks again this week. So either the baby hasn't grown much, or maybe my water went down a bit. But I'm happy. Group B strep was positive again. That does not surprise me. My last 2 pregnancies were positive. No cervical changes, she said it was the same as last week. The baby was still high, but didn't seem like she had to reach as far this time (the same lady checked me as last week). But she did say that things could change rapidly. They know that I'm anticipating this delivery soon.
I couldn't imagine going to my due date. I was chatting with a lady in the waiting room. She had 6 children, and her second born was 2 weeks late. TWO WEEKS LATE! OMG! I might have a 15 pound baby, if 2 weeks late. Not counting the C-section to go along with it. That's what gestational diabetes can possible do to you, if your not careful. All that wonderful sugar plumps that baby right up, like a chubby little cupid doll. I've been very bless so far to have normal sized children even though they were on the big side for the weeks they were. God knows that I needed them out.
I'm really hoping that something happens in this next week. My older 2 children are a little worried that I might have the baby while they are with my ex-husband on the week of his visitation, and they are unsure if he would even bring them to the hospital to see the new baby. It saddens me that there is even that issue that they would have to worry about. I just tell them not to worry, and that it would be the right thing for him to let them visit. They will be with me next week, and that would solve all the worrying and anxiety over the question of being able to visit. God has his way of working out all things for the good. I trust Him. He's never let me down. 2 things can happen. My ex can do what's right, or he can be selfish and be wrong in the eyes of my children. Either way, I'm not worrying.
Anyways......It looks like I need to go walk the block everyday, or take some Castor Oil to get this ball rolling. But end the end, none of those things work , unless the baby and my body are ready. She will come out when she wants to.
Have a great weekend everybody! And Happy President's Day! Enjoy your day off, if you get it.
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