Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Clean House Tuesday

Good morning! It is still morning isn't it? 

Still no baby yet. My two older kiddos are betting on this Thursday/Friday or Friday/Saturday. I'm really not sure. I know she's wanting to stay in there a little bit longer. I'm still having crampy contractions, but nothing that I can't move through. I learned my lesson with my last one. I'm not heading to the hospital until I can't walk or talk through the contractions. Someone asked last night, "Aren't you supposed to go to the hospital when the contractions are 4-5 minutes apart?". I said "Not me. I'd be there every night. And they would just send me home.". Oh well, they just need to get stronger. 

I am recovering from this cold pretty well, and so is B. She got a touch of it the same time I came down with it. I feel so much better, now that I can cough up all this congestion. And the vaporizer is just dandy. I was somewhat down on the couch Sunday, but yesterday evening I perked up a bit. My oldest daughter mentioned that her step-mom was going to make cinnamon rolls before she left, but for some reason didn't. So I suggested that we make homemade cinnamon rolls. Her step-mom (from what I gathered) doesn't make much homemade. We make almost everything homemade here. It's so much better, cheaper, and not to mention better for you. I know everything that goes into every recipe. 

Here they are after I cut them out. I thought they were big before they poofed up. 

And here they are all baked and yummy. They are huge! 

I made 1/2 with raisins and 1/2 without. I will definitely make these again. I was told that they were "Cinnabon" worthy. I've never had a "Cinnabon" cinnamon roll, so I wouldn't know how to compare. But these were awesome. 

This morning I put a cute little outfit that had a tutu on B. She acted all prissy and twirled all over the living room. I tried to get her picture, but as before she wont hold still and takes off running. I have to be quick.

This picture isn't even in focus.

And this is such a "Daddy face". She has some looks that remind me of my husband.

I quickly got the kitchen cleaned up from our guests last night, swept the floors, and straitened up a bit, and my dad came to help for a while. B loves her grandparents. We are so blessed to have them close by. I wish the other set was nearer. 

She kept wanting on the couch and bringing him a book to read. So I had to capture the moment. 

Just look at that grin.......

Today, I'm pacing myself. Trying to get our bedroom organized, under the bed swept out, furniture dusted, and baby bassinet assembled. I work for a little bit and rest for a while. My energy is up more, but my nose and cough still remind me to rest. I've got a list of things in my head that I want to have done before the baby arrives. 

Hope you all have a great day.

Prayers for our friends the Taylors. They will be welcoming their newest addition into the world today.

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