Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What in the World has Facebook turned into???

Have you noticed a difference in FB content over time, especially the last year?

I am not personally stepping on any person's toes. These are my observations and my opinions. Please take them as that and not a personal attack. I say this with love and respect. Thank you.

Ok, now that the disclaimer is behind me I can write. 

Do you remember what life was like before FB? I do. It may not be as you remember it. I'm sure we may have differnt styles of communication. Before FB, there was Myspace. Myspace was pretty cool there for a while. You could customize your page, see who considered you a top friend, link up with old friends, play music, etc...... And then the games kicked in, and all the advertisements, and with that viruses. You couldn't open up Myspace without something crashing on your computer. 

Around that time texting became popular. Ah texting....Nobody had smart phones. You had to type out each word on a # pad. How crazy! But didn't you find it aggravating when people had your # and they would send a whole bunch of chain texts, or picture texts, or crazy forwards? I personally hated them. Us now not having cell phones has been an adjustment, but I don't miss all of those useless texts. 

Before Myspace and Texting, we had email. Now some of us still use our email accounts for purposes other than FB. I use mine for Doctor's appointments, coupons, gardening newsletters, etc. But you know what I have noticed has disappeared from emails? All of those chain pictures, jokes, forwards, etc. It seems like all of those things gradually migrated from our emails......to our phones......and yes, now to FB. 

When I first opened up my FB account in February of 2009, I was so glad to link up with old friends, and buddies that I had gone to church with, old school mates. I loved seeing how their lives had changed, what they had become, pictures of their new families, and I could stay connected via internet or phone. It was fantastic! But now unfortunately, FB has taken a turn for the worse. Except for a small few, no one talks about their day, posts pictures (of someone other than themselves), The funny things that their kid did.........
When I open up FB, my feed is consumed with "shared pages or pictures", "Like this to win a free {whatever}", Cat adoption ads, Cartoons, and eCards (which I admit are mostly funny). 

I really try not to buy into the whole "share or like to win" gimmick. Have you or anyone you know won anything from them? Me either. I may use a similar tactic for my cakes in the future, but there will be a winner. I promise. All of those cute little animal pictures with all the cute sayings, pictures of butterflies, religious poems, quotes, eCards, etc.......Get a Pinterest account like the rest of us and pin them on there. Then you and anyone else can see them anytime they want. Pinterest is the perfect place to collect all of those cute little pictures. I even have some on my Pinterest boards, as well as many of my friends. It is my opinion that is where they belong. 

Check this out:

See? All those little pictures and quotes are tucked away in a perfect, organized fashion.

I'm sure you all would absolutely love me if I posted or shared all of those hundred of cake pictures that I have on Pinterest, for inspiration. Yep, I thought so. You'd probably get annoyed. At least on Pinterest, you can choose not to follow that board, if you don't want to see hundreds of cake photos. I really don't want to cut people's posts off of my feed on FB. I really am interested in what they have to say. But key word is "they", not what the "cute little picture" has to say.

FB is for sharing about your day. That's why they are called "status updates". An occasional cartoon or quote is fine, but when it takes me 5 minutes of scrolling down my feed to find a live body that cared to write a real status, that's ridiculous. And believe me, I love reading real statuses and seeing real pictures. 

All this is why I've pretty much stopped updating on FB. I've made it pretty clear that if you care anything about what I have to say, then you'll find me on here. 

With all this said,  stop falling for people's online gimmicks, get Pinterest, and start writing some "real" stuff to keep you connected with your friends. Please don't turn FB into a junk email site. It is giving it a bad name, in my opinion.

Love you all. I'm up with contractions tonight and cannot sleep due to all the noise of the wind. I wanted to speak/write my mind. I hope you can respect that. Have a great night. 

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