Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Freebies and Grilled Flatbread Pizza

First off, I have to say Thank You God for not waking up with a headache today. 

Ok, here's the freebie part. I was reading some blogs yesterday and realized that I had some coupons for free items at Walmart. I had to go to Walmart anyway, so we headed over to that dreaded store. But this time it wasn't so dreaded. I got several free items!

I have no clue why Blogger won't let me turn the photos. They are turned the right way on my computer. Sorry, you will have to turn your head sideways.

FREE after I watched a knife presentation.

FREE with 2/$1 off coupons

FREE and made a dollar with 2/$1.50 off coupons

FREE with 2/$1 off coupons. Travel size

I also got a Fruities squeezable thing for Free with a coupon, but B ate it before I could get a pic.

Not bad. It does take some work. But I'm hoping as I learn more about couponing, that I'll be able to save our family some more money. I have some things to get at Dollar Tree this afternoon. We'll see what I'm able to do there too.

Now for the Pizza! It was probably the best homemade pizza yet. I made the dough as usual, but this time I grilled it on both sides and then added toppings. Yum!

And once again, I caught Bitty Baby with her thumb in her mouth. Oh, decisions...decisions......Do I let her continue?

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