This day had just been weird to me. I have been figity all day. I had mentioned before that I had a list in my head of stuff to do before the baby arrives. Well, I desperately need to write it down. I feel like I'm wandering aimlessly around in circles. Pregnancy A.D.D. has me so confused. I'm here working on one thing, and then 10 seconds later I'm in the next room working one something else.
Today I've washed 2 loads of laundry, including diapers, sharpened a set of knives, did the dishes, swept the floors, painted over the white trim in the whole house (only the chipped spots), and got some spots off of the bathroom floor....... I have no idea why I felt the need to sharpen the knives. And the painting, well....I was sitting in my kitchen and the chipped spots on my cabinets were calling my name. I got a brush and some white paint, and started touching it up. Then I started noticing all the door frames, and touched them up. Then I remembered that the dog, when he was a puppy had chewed on the bathroom cabinets, and I touched them up. Then I noticed some spots on the bathroom floor, and had to scrub those out. See........This is the A.D.D. that I'm referring to. My head is absolutely spinning.
I've had quite a few contractions today, enough to go to L&D tonight. I was monitored for about 2 hours. My contractions were about 3 minutes apart, but just not strong enough to make any significant change. But good new is that the baby has come down just a little. When the nurse checked me, it did not seem like she had to try as hard to check my cervix. But she said she's still up there and the cervix is still long. The contractions I am now still having, as I type, are a lot stronger than the ones I've had so far. And they are lasting about a minute in duration too. Maybe I can talk my husband into getting me some red raspberry and evening primrose oil tomorrow or this weekend. Something to strengthen my uterus, and make these contractions count, instead of just torment me. I wanted to come home though. I would much rather be on my feet, helping the contractions, then tied down to a bed, slowly going through the motions.
Tomorrow is my hubby's birthday. If he is reading this (which he says he doesn't, yeh right!), "Happy Birthday Honey! I love You!". I don't know what is in the plans. Tomorrow is also payday, maybe we can do something special. I wish I could bake him a cake. He loves my cakes. But I"ll see what he wants to do. It's his day.
I'm heading off to bed. It's 11pm here, and Hubby has to get up at 4:30. Looks like it won't be long until Baby #4 is here. I wonder what kind of odd Nesting behaviors I'll have tomorrow. They're really starting to surprise me. Have a good night everyone! Talk to ya later!
Tomorrow is my hubby's birthday. If he is reading this (which he says he doesn't, yeh right!), "Happy Birthday Honey! I love You!". I don't know what is in the plans. Tomorrow is also payday, maybe we can do something special. I wish I could bake him a cake. He loves my cakes. But I"ll see what he wants to do. It's his day.
I'm heading off to bed. It's 11pm here, and Hubby has to get up at 4:30. Looks like it won't be long until Baby #4 is here. I wonder what kind of odd Nesting behaviors I'll have tomorrow. They're really starting to surprise me. Have a good night everyone! Talk to ya later!
Love your blog! Wishing you and the family all the best! -Megan
That is very very funny about you sharpening the knives! Yeah I think it is about time, your doing strange things :) happy birthday to Tommy!-Lori
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