Don't full moons bring women into the hospital? Well, it didn't work for me last night. This kiddo is really stuck in there.
The contractions that I was having during the day have almost completely disappeared, which is incredibly discouraging to me. But I've been having some in the night. I've been waking myself up by groaning in my sleep, I've even woke my husband up doing it. And he usually doesn't wake up for anything.
I wish I had some answers to what exactly my body is trying to prove. As of 1:09 pm this afternoon, baby #4 will be my longest pregnancy. I should be happy that she's in there almost full term, what they consider full term. Her lungs should be fully developed by now, and hopefully she comes out screaming. But I'm impatient. I want my body back, my comfort, my energy.......I'd trade the pregnancy in right now for all that. I know I'd be trading it for getting up and nursing in the middle of the night too, but it would sure be worth it at this point. I've said it before and I'll say it again.....I hate being pregnant! Just give me my baby already.
Later today I have an OB appointment. I'm now 37 weeks and 3 days. I'm really hoping she gives me some good news. It would be nice if I'm showing some effacement and dilation. That would at least give me some hope. Maybe she would help me out and stretch the cervix a bit, or induce me on Friday. Anything please.
I only want to get this show on the road because I'm tired of feeling like I'm a burden on my family. I'm a very independent person, and my parents, kids, and husband have all had to step up to help me out. They've carried my toddler, carried laundry baskets, fished out toys from under the couch multiple times, drove me all over the place, picked up things at the store, cooked me meals. Be it that the last few weeks I've not been on bed rest but it's kind of hard to get a toy from under the couch when your stomach is the size of a beach ball. And it's difficult to drive when I can't sit with my thighs remotely together. I couldn't even stand to sit in the chairs at church yesterday. I ended up sitting on the floor in the nursery, watching B play with all the kiddos.
I'm having to scoot up my schedule today and lay B down for her nap early, so we can hit the road at 1:15. I will give you all an update, when I get back. So be sure to watch for it.
Ok, I'm back home. Doctor's visit was good. I've gained 4 pounds from all the water retention and swelling. I surely hope the baby hasn't put on 4 pounds. She checked me and I'm still at 1cm, but I'm 50% effaced. Yay. That's some good news. Ever since we left the dr's office, I've been contracting about every 4 minutes. I hope she jump started something. So we'll found out if I make it through the night.
Hi Kimberly, I loved your story and by now you may be in the hospital, having your baby. If she is born on the 25th, that is my birthday and I am keeping you in my prayers.
I wanted to mention that you can get your tubes tied, (tubal ligation). You probably know that already, but I thought I would mention it. I do not blame you for not liking to take birth control pills or some of the other items that are called contraception. The pills are unhealthy and have been known to cause cancer. If you really do not want any more children, you have the right to choose to have the sterilization procedure done. Your body is yours. Love,Cheryl Ramey I hope I am not being to nosy. Here is more info:
Hi Kim,
I thought you might like to get some more information. Here are a few excerpts that I thought might interest you. The reference is posted at the bottom in case you might like to look further for more information.
(Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 1143, 1973)Women should be allowed the right to have privacy over matters that relate to her own body, including pregnancy.
Currently, no federal law requires consent from one spouse for another spouse’s sterilization. Because sterilization procedures are permanent, consenting individuals must be at least 21 years of age (Fremgen, Ph.D., p.278 (2009).
Sterilization is the process of medically altering reproductive organs to terminate the ability to produce offspring. It may be the result of surgical intervention such as a vasectomy in the male or a tubal ligation in the female.
Fremgen, Ph.D.(2009)Medical Law and Ethics, Third Edition, Published by Prentice Hall. Copyright Pearson Education, Inc. If you want more info. I can email an attachment from the book that has the information. I hope your baby comes soon!
Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for reading and following my posts. I'm not considering a tubal at all. Something that my husband and I have talked about is either leaving it up to God or him having a vasectomy. Either way is fine with me. I' know that any choice that I make is private. If God so chooses for us to have more, than so be it. I don't enjoy being pregnant, but who does? I do love my babies, I would have a hundred of them, if I didn't have to carry them for 9 months. Happy Birthday to you. Sorry we didn't make the 25th. It looks as though she's hanging in there a bit longer. I'm just glad I did't have to worry about a Leap Year this time.
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