Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Minor Setback

Today our precious baby is already six days old. I can't believe that a week ago I was begging to go into labor. But I am so glad she's here.

Yesterday, we had to take baby M to the pediatrician for her first appointment out of the hospital. She is doing great. My milk has come in and she is definitely an eater. More so than my last one. She reminds me a lot of my oldest daughter. She was also a good eater. And this one has blistered my nipples once again. At least I'm not cracking and bleeding, but it takes a deep breath and a long sigh for me to get through  the pain of her latching on. It's short lived, and soon the blisters will disappear. Well she has gained back 3 oz so far. Her jaundice was a 13, but it should come down soon now that she is drinking real milk. 

During her dr's appointment, I asked if the nurse could take my blood pressure. That morning and the day before, my ankles had started to swell, and now I was noticing pain and tingling in my fingers, and I could feel my heart pulse all over my body. My blood pressure was 149/92. I really didn't expect it to be that high. My BP is usually 117/68-ish. The Pediatrician and nurse recommended that I stop by my OB/GYN and get it checked out. So we drove to the building across the street, and I was able to get in to see the nurse practitioner. After laying on my left side in the office, she sent me next door to the hospital. I was admitted, and they took several hours of blood pressure readings. To this minute, I still don't think they knew what was wrong. They screened me for Preeclampia, which apparently women can still get up to 2 weeks after delivery. But my blood panels came back normal. My reflexes were good, and they couldn't understand why my blood pressure was up. It actually wasn't considered "high". It was borderline. 

I feel so sorry for anyone with High Blood Pressure. That little bit that mine went up, made me feel like my hands and head were going to pop off of my body.

In the hospital I was given 2 extra strength Tylenol  for the headache that I told them had already gone away. And then I was discharged with the instructions to rest and lay on my left side as much as I could. 

Now this is my hypothesis:
I think my body was just exhausted. And just maybe it's my hormones causing the spike in BP. I had such a fast a traumatic birth that my body may have just been shocked and it's taken it a few days to realize the baby is out. lol. 

I felt so great in the hospital, and even when I got home. I know I was supposed to come home and rest, but secretly when Hubby would sleep, I slipped in some housework. I felt so good, and for so long I wasn't able to do much. I suppose I should have let my body rest a few days longer. But ever since yesterday, I have laid on the couch. And I have slept and slept and slept. It feels so good to sleep. Hubby has been such a great help, and I love him for it. 

The extra help around the house and the home cooked meals that family and friend have brought, have been such a blessing. 

Thank you everyone! And please continue to pray for this blood pressure issue to go away. 

Now back to laying on the couch..........

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