Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Putting on my Big Girl Pants Today

The day has arrived. I knew it would come. It's sort of bittersweet.

I loved the comfort of having my hubby home with me these last 2 weeks. He has been my extra set of hands, my shoulder to cry on, and my support. And he actually amazed me by how many poopy toddler diapers he has changed. Thank God they were all in disposables. I don't think he could have handled the cloth diaper poopies. But I miss him today. The house has been quiet, all for the loud toddler, who is now making baby sounds. And I'm kinda lonesome. But he has to go back to work. He is the bread-winner of our family, and I thank him for that.

Never mind the shirt. It was a freebie......

I'm trying to welcome back routine. Bitty Baby is getting woke up every two hours to eat, and is currently asleep in her bouncer, sitting on my kitchen table, as I type. The 16 month old has been playing in the living room, reading her books, pulling laundry out of the baskets of stuff that need to get folded, and is now eating a rice cake in her high chair. Eventually, I'll find some sort of schedule that works for me. I'm such a schedule person. I do best and my kids do best, when I actually stick to it. The dishes have been done, the kitchen floor has been swept, all before 10am. That's something to be proud of. Now if I can just conquer the dusting, floors, and toys in the living room. We have one more meal (with extra stuff) being brought by later today. I would feel so much better knowing my house was somewhat presentable. The main thing though is laundry. I hate laundry, and I'm all the time putting it off until I absolutely have to wash it. It's never ending and always there. 

And sleep......what sleep? Well, it sure was a bit better last night. We tried gripe water. She's already acting colicky at two weeks old. And I did something I didn't want to do......I put her in bed with me last night. And she slept four hours at a time. Thank God! But I plan for this not to last long. My main objective right now is to turn nights back into nights, and days back into days. Then we will work on the sleeping arrangements. Hee hee!

Just some extra pics of 2 of my girls. They're both so small and change all the time. I have to capture these moments before they're lost.

Have a blessed day. 

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