Sorry it's been a bit since I wrote. I have a couple of posts that I've been working on, but just never got the time to finish them. These two little kiddos have been keeping me busy. B has been really acting out. I could write a whole post just on all the stuff that she has been doing. Just her alone makes me want to pull out my hair. But then sometimes, she's so sweet and I want to cuddle her. Bitty Baby has been going through a growth spurt. If I had not ever gone through that before, I would have thought I was starving her. She's wanting to eat anywhere between 1-3 hours, day and night. I'm really praying that she balances out real soon.
This last week, I've been on edge. I've been emotional, drained, tired, happy, sad, and anxious. Anxiety is something that I've never personally dealt with, but I hope it leaves soon. I am usually in control of my emotions and feelings, and the past few days I have felt panicked and nervous. It's just not me. But I'm not going to talk much about that. My husband says I've been nothing but negative this last week. So, I guess I'll try to bring out some positives.
This weekend Hubby cleaned up the backyard. We have old maple trees, and anytime the wind blows, there are sticks and branches to pick up. The weather here is starting to feel like spring, and we are gearing up for our garden. We bought 3 different lettuce seeds, spinach, cabbage, basil, tarragon, thyme, and lavender. I didn't have time to plant them yesterday, as I had planned, and today it is raining. I wish I had a clone of myself, and a moment of sunshine today. I would like to get them planted. Also I had some potatoes that had grown some eyes, I had already cut them up, to let them scab over. And they are waiting patiently on my countertop to be planted.
After the backyard was cleaned up we went to the park to try out our new double stroller and to let B play on some of the play equipment. The park was so packed with people, that the toddler playset was not accessible. We took her to another area, but there wasn't much that she could play on. But I think she still had fun. It was a nice day to get out of the house.
She didn't know what to think about the slide. |
Finally got a smile! |
Bitty Baby getting some sunshine. |
We had a great time at the park. I didn't do too much walking, as I'm just starting to add more exercise. But I think Daddy needs to build the girls a playset in the backyard. I have some plans, but as usual I need to get him on board. If I can just get hime to see my vision, through my eyes, I think he'l love it.
Here are some more pictures from this last week.
daddy getting some finger fun on the swings, get it inside her shorts daddy they LOVE having it fingered
my great niece is almost 3 I babysit her 3 times a week she loves me finger f--king her, teaching her to suck now too
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