Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I'm ready for Spring!

Good morning everyone! It's almost 9am here at the homestead. Coffee is brewing, laundry is washing, dishwasher is running, big kids are at school, toddler is playing in the living room while watching Sprout, and the baby is next to me in her bouncer. So far, so good this morning. 

It's a pretty day out for the first day of spring, even if it is a bit cool. I can enjoy the sunshine coming through the windows. Sunshine makes me happy. 

Ok, yes, I like John Denver. I used to listen to him on my parents' 8 track player. I don't think kids these days would even know what a 8 track was, or even a cassette for that matter. Ha ha!

There's not much on the agenda today, just my usual housework. And I think that I'm going to lay out some ribbon to make the girls some hairbows to match their summer outfits. If I make them, I post pictures tomorrow. 

Dinner tonight? Spaghetti and Meatballs, thanks to some friends that brought us a few things to stock up in our freezer.....and maybe a salad to go with it. 

Happy Spring!

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