Sunday, July 14, 2013

The good ol' days

Sometimes, and it seems like it has been more frequently, I have inserted my foot in my mouth. Maybe it's part of growing up, maybe it's from being at home with small children...IDK. But this is my last post on here talking about my feelings. Apparently I hurt some people close to me, and did not mean to. I ask for their forgiveness.

Back in the good ol' days I kept a hardback written journal. I wrote in it every night. I wrote about my troubles, sorrows, adventures, new loves, my ambitions.....etc. And I think it's time to bring it back out. That way those feelings are between me, God, and a hardback. I still plan to post recipes, pictures of the kids, and my crafting adventures, but I won't be talking about my feelings, nor myself. Those who would like to know that side of me can call and talk to me, because friends talk with other friends personally about their feelings, whether they are good or bad. Sorry if this puts a damper on your reading, but I no longer want to put others in the middle or hurt the ones I love. 

I look forward to posting about my other adventures. Hope you understand.

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