Thursday, June 13, 2013

I have an hour to sit down

Today has been exhausting. 

The morning started with me getting up at 6:50 am. And by 7:30 am I had already had my shower, watered the garden, and baked 3 loaves of bread. I could have called it a day right there. 

But No.

My oldest daughter had Cheer Practice at 9:30. I had to go to the bank before I dropped her off. Then get gas, while trying to avoid certain parts of town now that the music festival is here. Drive 40 minutes away to get cake supplies. They didn't have one thing that I needed, so we went 2 more places. No luck. We drove back to town, picked up big sissy, and scarfed our lunch down. I would have loved for my toddler to have a nap, but there was no time. It would have made her more mad to have to wake her up 45 minutes later. We loaded back up in the Big Black Beast and headed to our local library. My 2 oldest had a teen meeting. Today's event was line dancing. 

I had the 2 youngest with me in the stroller, but B can only behave "so" long, until she has a meltdown. She screamed and through a tantrum, so I decided to take her outside. Now there is one thing that I cannot stand. I cannot stand when someone bribes their kid with candy. I know this old lady was trying to be nice, but still! She said, as we were walking to the parking lot, "I have a red sucker in my car. Do you think that will make her happy?". I politely told her, "No thank you. I'm not going to reward her for bad behavior.". What she really needed was swift swat on the rear. But when we got in the heat of outside, she calmed down and sucked her paci. Finally she chilled out. We were able to go back inside without disturbing the public. Mommy wins!

No I'm here typing, patiently awaiting our next adventure. B is in her bed..........yeh.........she's not been asleep ALL DAY! She broke the clip to her paci. One more thing to add to the list.

Here in 10 minutes we go to gymnastics. And then back out again to pick up big sister. Meanwhile, I have BBQ chicken in the oven. It's a quick meal for tonight, but yummy.

I need a vacation. One of those all by myself kind of vacations.

Maybe we'll just all go to bed early tonight...........

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