Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday, dreaded Monday

I don't know why I have dreaded today. I guess I know that it is bringing me closer to Wednesday. That is the day that I fly solo. Up until now, I've had my husband here to help, and wonderful friends and family to bring us meals. It has been such a blessing. It would have been perfect if I had a maid. Hee hee! But it's been good practice for me to get up and try to do stuff around the house.

This weekend my husband installed a jump seat in our truck. Before that, we had a console between the two front seats, and we only had seating for Five. But now we are Six. And I've been freaking out for months about how we would all fit in that truck. I never could persuade him to get a mini van. But now we are set. The seat folds down, and even has a seat belt. It kinda feels like we are all packed in there like a bunch of sardines, but hey, it works!

Sunday, yesterday, was our first day back to church. Of course everyone had to take a peek at the bitty baby. Poor sister, didn't get her usual attention. But she's still cute to me.

Just look at those CHOMPERS! 

She seems so big now. I think she's about to go on a growth spurt. I remember with my older two, that when they started getting pudgy in the middle, they were about to shoot straight up. I hope she's about to go up, lol. 

I've not really done a lot around here. For some reason, my body just hurts and aches all over. I feel much better after I sleep, when I can sleep, that is. Last night the bitty baby was awake most of the night, and I felt like someone beat me with a ball bat this morning, but the night before last, she slept six hours straight. What a relief. I wish she would do that every night. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten those seven Hershey's Kisses right before bed. You think?

I have the hardest time trying to get B in the picture too. She just won't hold still.

She is too sweet. You can get any more precious than that. 

I don't have much to write about today. I'm just trying to rest up and sleep when I can. 

Thank you for all your prayers for myself and my dad. Dad is out of the hospital. Surgery went good, and he is having a post-op check up this afternoon. I will know more later.

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