Monday, April 8, 2013

Loving this weather!

Good morning Blogger Buddies! 

We had such a great weekend. The weather was wonderful. It took some patience to wait through all the rainy, dreary days, to finally have some pretty days. And it's supposed to be nice this next week too! Yippee!

Hubby and I have decided to make some healthier choices in our lives, so what a better way to celebrate  then with a huge heart stopping breakfast! Lol. I love to cook from scratch. Biscuits and pancakes will now be reserved for special occasions. We're hoping to make better choices concerning cholesterol, fats, carbs, and exercise. 
The fruit salad with greek yogurt was the only healthy thing on this menu.

B just loves her big brother and sister, and they just love her. One of her favorite things to do is sit (climb) on the couch with them. And especially sit with her big sister all cuddled up in her fleecy blanket. That's a special treat. As soon as she sees the blanket come out, she starts giggling non-stop.
She actually said "cheese" for this picture. She's becoming quite the ham.

Friday while my husband was at his doctor's appointment, I let B play in her room by herself, while I straightened up the house. I noticed she was getting quiet, so I checked on her. She had climbed up into her closet, which is on top of a set of drawers, and had pulled out a ton of baby blankets. Some of my days feel like I take 2 steps forward and 5 steps back. Gotta love her though. She definitely makes my day more interesting. I could probably write a book on all the mischief she gets into in a day. 

Thursday night I started a small project and finished it up on Friday. With 2 in cloth diapers now, I needed more cloth wipes. I have a huge stash of old receiving blankets that I ripped into equal sized rectangles, folded them over, and zig-zag stitched around the edges. They are so much better than disposable wipes and more gentle on their sensitive little bottoms. I make my own wipey solution out of warm water, baby wash, and baby oil, then store them in a large Tupperware container. When used, they go right into the wash with the diapers. One day, I'm sure they'll be retired to dust cloths. Next I made Nursing Pads. I had bought some Medela brand nursing pads, when the last baby was born. And I thought I could make them.  They turned out almost just like the original. The only difference is I used a zig-zag stitch instead of a surger, and of course these were mint green instead of white. I've tried out a couple of the new ones over the weekend, and I believe these are even more absorbent than the Medela brand.
Cloth diaper wipes and flannel nursing pads

Saturday morning we stopped by a yardsale. We found B a few pairs of shoes and a cute Christmas dress. Most of what we have for the girls are all second-hand, but it makes it so much better (in my mind) when I can buy things from people that I know. In this case, we go to church with this lady. I'm hoping to get to know her better. She seems really sweet. 

After the yardsale, we went to the healthfood store. This is something pretty new to my husband, so it was pretty fun to help him find some supplements to help him out. I love healthfood stores. A few years ago, the only pill bottles that you could find in my cabinet  were vitamin or supplement bottles.....and maybe a bottle of Tylenol. I really do believe that God put these things on Earth for us to use. After the Healthfood store, we  grabbed some lunch. We almost never eat out, so this was a treat. $31 dollars later......yeh. That's the reason we don't eat out. And that was only for a party of 5. I can imagine how much it will be when all 6 of us are eating out. Then over to Kroger, baby was hungry. I got her fed while Hubby grabbed some fruits and veggies to Juice. I may have gotten him on board for juicing. Yeah!

Yesterday our church went to two services. Its sort of bittersweet. I really liked going to the early service. I am going to miss seeing everyone though. Having 2 little ones, we were able to keep at least on of them on schedule, with extra playtime with big brother and sister before they left for their visitation with their dad. 
Early morning snuggles.

Bitty Baby's not so itty bitty bow. Hah! I think the camera angle made it even bigger than it really was.

One of my pretty girls!

After B's nap, we got some playtime outside. I thought she would like to ride her car in the driveway, but she didn't want anything to do with it.

So we played ball and ran around the yard.

I think she posed for this one.

Picking dandelions with Sister

Look Mom a flower!

My handsome husband and his dreamy blue eyes.

So that's it. We are breaking out the warm weather clothes, working in the garden, and enjoying these beautiful days. I'm hoping to meet some friends at the park for a stroller walk and playdate this week. 

Hope you all enjoy these beautiful days too!

1 comment:

Marlena said...

Great read!! =)