Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Hi Everyone!

Good afternoon Blogger Buddies! I'm really behind on blogging this week, probably due to lack of sleep and a whiny toddler. The new baby has got colic. It sticks! If you have ever had a baby with colic, then you know what I mean. Every night somewhere from 7pm-12am, we are rocking, patting, bouncing, and trying to sooth our upset little baby. Nothing we have tried has really worked. I've watched my diet. We have used colic tablets, gas drops, and gripe water. Hubby has even exercised her legs to get the gas bubbles out. I'd say the last thing seemed to work the best. It is a helpless feeling, as a parent, to try everything and she still acts in pain. But it seems to pass after about midnight. Sometimes she stays restless after that, but at least she's not screaming. I have spent lots of night sleeping in the recliner with her laying on my chest. Spoiled?.....maybe.

Easter weekend was fun. I took the girls on a walk in the new stroller, and we got new shoes for Easter. Bitty Baby wore an outfit that was my oldest daughter's "coming home" outfit. She was so cute in her bonnet.

And B wore a pretty silk cherry blossom dress. It was passed down from one of my nieces. 

The sweater was a tad bit big, but it worked out fine for the cool holiday. 

All the kids received gifts from Grandma in California. I'm so sorry I forgot to take pictures. But everyone loved what they got. 

Our church Easter service was again held at our local high school. We have such a large turn out that we need a much larger auditorium. I feel so blessed to be part of such a great group and body of Christ. 

This is our Children's Church SPLAT. They did such a wonderful job of setting the mood for worship. It's so great to see our kids worshiping God.

And our youth band was phenomenal this year. Such and improvement. They have all changed and grown so much since last year. I really wish that my son would get back involved in the band, even if he was a singer. He has such a great voice.

And our worship team was a blessing as usual. 

Was that my hubby with a dip in his mouth in church!? I guess so. He's the same everywhere. LOL.

Bitty Baby slept through most of the worship service. I had to miss the sermon, because she got hungry. But I was able to visit with the ladies in the nursery, while she nursed. I love watching B and the pastors' daughter play together. I hope they will grow up being friends. 

So, this week I've been trying to do some spring cleaning. I have swept, mopped, switched out seasonal clothes, etc..... The list goes on. I need some organization. It's amazing how far behind I let things slip while I was pregnant. But now it's time to sort through all the chaos and bring some sanity to our home, or at least to me. Ha Ha! 

This weekend looks like it's going to be nice. I'm praying that we can have a yard day and get some things done. Maybe if we all work together, we can knock a few things off my list.

I hope you all have a great week. Talk to ya soon!

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