Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Day of Rest

Today is a day of recuperation for me. The past few evenings, I've been having continuous contractions, until I'm able to lay down. Yesterday, I carried so many baskets of laundry, that last night my belly felt as hard as a brick. So, today I'm trying to stay off of my feet, which is hard to do with a 14 month old. Don't get me wrong. I've taken care of the necessities  The dogs have all been let out and fed. Thank God that they hate the rain. They're leaving me alone and staying quiet today. Dishes are washed and put away. And now I'm trying to stay off of my feet, while B takes a nap. 

This pay period has been kind of tight. We don't use credit cards and now after Christmas we've had to tighten our belts. Unfortunately the bill collectors don't loosen theirs, so it's coming out of our grocery budget.  We can manage. It's just taking some creativity on my part to stretch our food as long as it will last. 

In my effort to gain some control over the pantry, I sat down this morning and wrote out a meal plan for the next two weeks. I will have to purchase a few items to get by, but it looks as though I can get it done. No problem. I was searching for some cute printable templates for meal planning on Pinterest. But the one I liked, I found on my own. 

It's a 4x6 printable. I think I will frame it and use a dry erase marker on the glass. That way I can be frugal with my printer ink.

You can download it free at Lovely Little Snippets

Here is another site that has 20 free printables. Fab N' Free
It has some really cute templates.

Tonight we're having leftovers...Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, squash casserole, and banana pudding. The pudding is even better today. I had some for a snack. 

Next, I believe I'll organize my coupon binder. And then it's off in the rain to run some errands. It is absolutely nasty outside. But at least I don't have to get out of the truck. Yay for drive up windows!

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