Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Not much happening here

Monday came and went, with me just about sitting on the couch all day long. It has really gotten to the point that I can't be on my feet for very long without having back to back contractions. And these are really starting to hurt. The ones before were light, but yet noticeable  and just felt tight. These are getting crampy and very uncomfortable. These are the ones I have to watch out for. Some people just brush off what I'm feeling as "Braxton-Hicks", but these are beyond your normal "Braxton-Hicks". They might start out as those, but can quickly throw me into pre-term labor. So far, I have avoided the hospital. I'm proud of that. Guess, by the 4th pregnancy I'd kinda figure out what my body's habits were. 

So, that's where I'm at. On the couch, in the bed, on a chair, and not on my feet. Everytime I think it's safe to get up and move about, I pay for it later. Monday, I took about 15 minutes and folded dome laundry at the kitchen table. I felt good. It felt really good to stretch my legs and move about. Then around 3:30pm I started having a few hard contractions. They were sporadic until 6pm and then came 5 minutes apart until I went to bed at 10pm.

Tuesday, was not a good day. I was moody, cranky, stir crazy, and just plain bottled up. I had the overwhelming feeling of having no control over my own house. I am not one of those people that can easily sit back and be lazy. Sitting here on my behind has made me feel like less of a woman, wife, mother, and homemaker. I know it's only temporary, but it's still painful, nonetheless. As I've been sitting, my mind has conjured up all the things/chores/organizing that has needed to be done. And then my body tortures me by keeping me off my feet. I have wanted so bad to get up and get the whole house spotless.

My parents have been a great help. Without them I would have probably been admitted to the hospital already. My dad has helped drop off and pick up kids from school, and help watch a rambunctious toddler. My mother has helped keep up the dishes and laundry. They are both helping to pick up my 14 month old. When they're around, they don't let me do much. I have coaxed them into  helping with some organizing projects. Just a little taste, to satisfy my need for nesting. I'm still trying to plan meals, but they have been something really simple. Something that I don't have to stand at the stove and watch. Tonight is Beef Stroganof, and requires a bit more standing. So, my parents are helping with the meal prep tonight. And as a big thank you, they get to eat with us.

Today I've been super tired. B did not want to sleep last night, and got up several times through the night. Of course my husband sleeps like a rock and never heard the baby or the wind. I knew a storm was heading our way, and I heard the wind picking up, and the trees rustling. I laid in bed and prayed that God would protect us and our house in the storm. Then the EAS alarm started going off on my phone at 4:15am. That didn't wake Hubby up either. The alert told us to take shelter. So, I quietly got up and watched the news to see what was really going on. A whole line of storms were going right through several states, and we were under a tornado warning. I'm not one to freak out about storms, but there were a few times I wondered if we really did need to take shelter, especially when the electricity went out. Yikes! Thank God, it came back on after about a minute. Most of the morning a had contractions, but they fizzled out after I calmed down and got some rest.

Now it's rest time for me. B is down for her afternoon nap, and I'm about to nap too.

Take it easy everyone. Keep me in your prayers. I'm almost 34 weeks and need to make it another 2 weeks, preferably.

Have a great Wednesday!

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