Friday, January 18, 2013

Thank God it's Friday!

To my amazement, Hubby got to sleep in 2 hours late this morning, which meant extra sleep for me. I needed it. Yesterday, I forgot to have my on cup of tea or coffee. And Boy did I pay for it last night. By the time I realized I was getting a headache, it was too late. I tried drinking a cup of hot tea before bed, but the pain woke me up by 11:30pm. It was excruciating, to say the least. It hurt laying down, and hurt sitting up. And every time I would sit up, my head sounded like it was clicking inside. What an eerie feeling! I'm limited on the kind of meds I can take, so I went with Tylenol. I couldn't take laying in the bed: my head was throbbing so hard. I really thought at this point I was going to get sick to my stomach. I thought about waking up my husband and going to the ER, but I thought I'd give it a little bit longer for the Tylenol to take effect. The recliner didn't seem to help either. But I finally got somewhat comfortable on the couch, with my head propped up with some pillows. Gradually, I could feel the pain and throbbing leaving my head. And I was able to relax. I actually fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up, the headache was totally gone. Praise God! I had been asking Him to relieve the pain all along. That it why the extra sleep was much appreciated this morning. 

I'm not doing much today. Already started the dishwasher, and folded a load of cloth diapers. B is down for her morning nap. And I believe I'll work a little bit more on the blanket I started crocheting yesterday. I've had this Camouflage yard for a year now, and had originally bought it to knit a blanket. It was still sitting there, and I thought I should finally do something with it. I liked this wavy blanket pattern, but couldn't quite figure out the instructions. Crocheting is still new to me. I found this great tutorial on YouTube  So helpful! It walked me right through it. 

Later I have to run some errands and then meet Hubby at my daughter's cheerleading competition tonight. Our lives are never slow. It always seems like something. Tomorrow the guys are going to the range, but after that, I have a pretty hefty Honey-do List for Hubby, I'm sure he'll appreciate that. But I'm limited to what I can carry and pick up, so he has to help. Like it or not. 

You all have a fantastic weekend!

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